Tuesday, March 13, 2018


Can America withstand the unrelenting onslaught--against, all things, Americana--that began taking SERIOUS root in this country, from the birth of the HIPPIE era, forward? Though there had been a brief resistance AGAINST the trend toward national devastation during the Nixon years; the calamity of Watergate regenerated those who would, whether wittingly or unwittingly, facilitate an eventual, internal, destruction of America. Though, during the impotent era of Jimmy Carter, that cultural contamination raged; it would be kept in check during the days of Ronald Reagan. Then, came the ignominy that was the election of Bill Clinton. Thereafter--thanks to the Left-Bent of media AND the entertainment industry--the, virtual, unthreading of the American flag became a fashionable exercise. Those banes of the HIPPIE era--that had, under Clinton, been reinvigorated--under Barack Obama became refined, and quite possibly, eternalized.

The "UNITED STATES" has DANGEROUSLY reduced FROM a united nation, into a divided one. VICIOUSLY squabbling factions of, this or that, ethnic group--or of gender or of the...genders RECLASSIFIED--are, ALL, competing and contending AGAINST the others. And; undoubtedly, this is BOUND to culminate into the destruction of a, previously, GREAT nation. The predictable, inevitable, portending outcome...requires no MASTERMIND to recognize. But, however, it DOES require a NARROWMIND to...NOT heed.        

Tuesday, January 16, 2018


The political brinksmanship Left-Bent politicians are obsessed to practice is in disregard of every external threat...against the United States. Their solitary focus is in doing absolute destruction to...the presidency of Donald Trump. It is entirely perplexing; completely incomprehensible that so many of the, otherwise, well educated of that Democrat Party can be, unfortunately, so extremely ill-reasoning. They labor, exhaustively--for motives, inexplicably, bizarre--to render this president impotent before the entire world. Their endless caterwauling; their atrocious accusations and...toddler-type temper tantrums--which they will fabricate from irrelevant minutiae--would seem far more expected coming from the mouths of that coldblooded thug: Vladimir Putin or, that North Korean, lunatic, dictator: Kim Jong-un, than from American law makers of our federal government. Democrats are, unashamedly, resolved to be saboteurs to Trump's presidency, by whatever methods, accessible; no matter if the effect does sabotage to, the United States. And if you doubt that, in the least, take note of the incendiary, foul, rhetoric blast-mouthing from...Congresswoman Maxine Waters; or the cunning deception-mastery of Senator Chuck Schumer; or the, defacto, traitorous blathering of Congressman Keith Ellison; or the hyperbolic and deceit-wizardry constantly emanating from the mouth of Congressman Adam Schiff; or the stiff-neck persistence to do obstruction, on the part of Congressman John Lewis. Your labors would be in vain, if you sought to find rhetoric as blisteringly hateful from any of the aforementioned, targeted toward a foreign enemy of America, that was match-worthy to any of that these Left-Bent gasconades, on daily basis, fling ruthlessly at this American president. And so; the complexity of it all presents the question: "WHOSE SIDE, ARE THEY ON"?