Saturday, August 8, 2015


There's an old English adage: "Desperate cures must be to desperate ills applied." For what seems ages America has, strictly and obligatorily, charged society with the responsibility of reforming, rehabilitating, or otherwise correcting violent, felonious, offenders--to include even those who have been, recidivist violent felons. People have been made to believe that the concept of incarceration, as "punishment", is somehow "inhumane". Society has become persuaded that dangerous, recidivist, felons had gone wayward owing to some circumstance of societal lack of compassion, negligence, or merciless disregard; which seems to fault the law abiding, for the felonious violent crimes committed by, lawbreakers. The nation has nearly two million incarcerated in the federal prison system, reportedly, at an annual cost to taxpayers of from $20,000 to $28,000, per inmate.

In Chicago, in 1924, two homosexuals in their twenties committed the "thrill-kill" murder of 14-year-old Robert Franks to demonstrate their intellectual superiority in being able to commit the "perfect crime". It was, then, called the "crime of the century". Ten years later(1934), yet another "crime of the century" would eclipse the Franks homicide; the toddler child of American aviator Charles Lindberg was kidnapped and murdered by Bruno Hauptman. Those two murders would be major topics in crime for more than thirty years;if committed today, within weeks if not days, both would have vanished from public recollection. Since the mid-1960's on, America has been increasingly compelled to experience horrors in the ways of murder by terror,senseless murder committed by serial killers, murderers who kill and cannibalize; killers who murder, then dismember their victims,scattering body parts across large areas. Society has reduced to becoming familiarized with the utter madness of contract-killing, thrill-killing, murder via so called: "gang-banging", multiple murders committed by cults; murders committed in mass in public schools, movie complexes, and a myriad of other diverse outrages. Heinous acts of murder now occur so frequently, that--whereas in times-past, Americans might have been aghast into disbelief--today, many such homicides seem so routine, they may not even reach the level of being considered national news. The wickedness in which the slaughter of human beings occur today, becomes forgotten, because of those worse heinous committed, tomorrow; and, so on.

I have believed, since the 1970's,that America needs to undertake a system of..."Criminal Exile". Recidivist, violent, felons--murderers sentenced to life, those currently on death row--ought to be given an option: they could continue on death row until executed; they could continue serving their life sentence: or, they could take the option of being exiled. Once banished, there could be "no appeal" thereafter; it would be "permanent". Exile could be imposed by the courts either at sentencing, or even afterward the convicted could, through the court, opt for exile. Those of society who oppose capital punishment, it would seem, ought to find banishment an acceptable alloy. In time--given the slaughter madness practiced by terrorist groups across the globe, against free societies--it would be more than reasonable if Western Democracies united in a common practice of permanently banishing uncivilized killers to a consolidated location on the planet, where there they would be compelled to coexist with those of their own ilk.

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