Friday, September 6, 2013


The young Austrailian baseball athlete who was recently shot dead, "on a whim", by one of a trio of teen-aged monsters, had been victimized by both the three thugs and, their irresponsible parents. However; thus far, the uncivilized killing-trio only, will be held accountable for this utterly monstrous slaughter and not, as well, their apparently dangerously derelict parents. "Foolishness," it reads in Proverbs (22-15), "is bound in the heart of a child; but the rod of correction shall drive it far from them". Parents who raise their kids, deliberately, neglectful--not, dutifully, addressing socially unacceptable conduct that, if not corrected can, as the child matures, manifest in criminal ways, detrimental to the innocent public--are contributory to, responsible and "absolutely" blameworthy for, whatever feloniously violent acts their undisciplined offspring may come to commit against society. Quite often derelict parents, raising undisciplined children, explain their actions saying, kids have only one time to be a child and, because they so love them, they refuse to spoil their childhood by not allowing that they be free to to grow up without being constantly corrected, admonished or told, no. That kind of thinking is a seed that develops rotten character and, is threatening to peaceful society. As I get along, I will reference many examples of society having suffered, destructively, as a result of woefully irresponsible and even, stupid, parenting.

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