Saturday, December 6, 2014


Freedom of opinion is, and has always been, backed-up by law in America since the founding of our republic. That freedom had been placed into state constitutions and, most particularly, into the federal Constitution. Freedom of speech, a free press--and the right of peaceable assembly--are enunciated distinctly in the Constitution. The first ten amendments, especially, addressed personal liberties; it denied the Congress from enacting any law that did abridgment of speech freedom, of press freedom, and the public's right to petition the government through peaceful assembly. The Constitutionally guaranteed right enjoyed by America's press corps was granted in order that a free people could be kept more fully informed by a free press that would, in the aggregate, inform without bias. When the main-media-aggregation combines in connivance to slant news--so as, to disadvantage that free-flow public reception of information--they injure and undermine the spirit of that constitutional protection; thus they, thereby, are practicing defacto censorship by methods of slant, omission, and deception. The American people become inexcusably hindered in making wise determinations, in analyzing competently--such as,in evaluating the merits and qualifications of candidates seeking political office. The people become impeded, or obstructed, in their need to be kept abreast to, and apprised of, the facts of current events. The term: "journalistic malpractice", needs to be more seriously taken by both the public and, members of the "free press".

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