Monday, December 8, 2014


Political pundit George Will is obviously a well-educated intellectual, as was the late Christopher Hitchens; both, able to reason on levels reflective of their education and intellect. Both men made their atheism, publicly, known. Education and intellect, however, do not indemnify from wrong reasoning. In Hitchens' case, he acknowledged it a possibility that God exists; but atheism leaves "no room" for that possibility. Admitting there can be "any chance" that God exists, is to blow the doors off atheistic convictions. For that reason, Hitchens was an enigma. You can't play it from both sides: claiming to be atheist, while acknowledging it possible that God, is. Reckon how many atheists will declare that, if lucid, their dying words will be: "there is no God"? Hitchens came quite close to making that declaration. Even after having acknowledged that God might exist, nonetheless, coming within weeks of the end, Hitchens made clear that, if ever he began to speak of his conversion from atheism, he would not be speaking in his, sane mind; rather, it would be "lunatic" ravings caused by his terminal illness. If, regarding God Almighty, your position is one of ambiguity, it might be more wise to claim agnosticism, rather than declaring atheism. Since George Will made public his atheism, it would be interesting to know whether he, too, concedes there can be "any possibility" that, God exists. I maintain that, no matter how lofty the education, or however haughty the intellect, an atheist...true or phony is, "a fool".

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